Sunday, April 2, 2017

Things Never Go As Planned

I had planned on posting 3 or 4 shows on this Sunday.


Things never go as planned.

First I get sent a show from last night, a show from 4/1 . . . but we're on 4/2.   Ain't that swell.  Time to call an audible*.  Time also to scramble and replace some good 4/2 shows with similarly good 4/whatever shows for future days.  Fun, fun.

And so the day has been filled with sleeping until 2 PM then lazing around watching total crap on TV.  Exhilarating.  Why I didn't return to my bed earlier to veg and listen to music is beyond me.

Finally listening to the next post and thinking forward to what comes up in the next day or two.  Why's this so complicated?  Well, maybe not very but it is time consuming.  Fortunately life is slow and sucky and I have the hours to spare.


*audible: American football term for the quarterback changing a play at the last moment.

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